Saturday, January 21, 2012

Heart to Heart Experience #4

I've been having a hard time being patient with this girl that I work with, every day I go in to work and dread the stories she will tell me. Lately I've been praying that I will be able to be more patient and open to what she is telling me. Yesterday instead of brushing off her comments and pretending to pay attention, I really tried to listen and talk to her. Once I did that I started to feel more loving and in tune with the spirit. I know that if I continue to be patient and interested in what's going on I'll be able to get along well with her and enjoy my time at work more.

Heart to Heart Experience #3

Today I was heading home. I had been to a Work meeting and was really disappointed in how it had turned out. I was frustrated and a little angry, mostly with myself. I stopped at the Post office to mail something to my sister. As I went in ,there was a lady really struggling with something in her eye. Me and another couple helped her and even worked to try to get what was in her eye out. She was grateful, and suddenly my mind was taken off my worries, I began to smile and feel friendly to everyone around me. My mood was completely changed! As I was driving home, the wind was blowing so very hard, dirt was blowing every where, and I noticed someone hunched down with a bike on the corner. I made a U turn and jumped out to find and elderly man hunched over his bike. He was Vietnamese and spoke very little English. I asked if I could take him home, and all he could say was Cimmaron. So we loaded his bike and packages in the car and I drove him home. He kept sighing very deeply I could tell he was very relieved and maybe a little nervous. Because he didn’t understand much of what I was saying, I would talk and then we would laugh. I dropped him off and him and his wife were so very grateful. I felt my heart was so open and large, and I felt the love and acceptance of my Father in Heaven. My day had been totally turned around!

- Anonymous

Heart to Heart Experience #2

My heart to heart experience has been as much more at home than with other people. I have had to take the time to truly listen to my husband. I realized that when I’m out and about, I am open to talking to people, but at home I get busy and often annoyed when he wants to tell me little things that he’s read or political info. I realized that by opening my heart at home, and taking the time to listen, it has strengthened our relationship.
- Anonymous

Heart to Heart Experience #1

I had a heart to heart at the grocery store before Christmas. I was standing in line to check out, and the old couple in front of me were buying a small amount of groceries. When the clerk told her the ice cream was not on sale the lady said she didn’t want it. They paid for their goods and were bagging them so I told the clerk to ring up the ice cream on my bill then I handed the ice cream to her and said, "You can't go home without the ice cream, that's the best part of the trip." She tried to pay me, but I refused saying, "I need some blessings, so please give me the opportunity to earn some." She smiled and went on their way. The clerk said, "That was a very kind thing to do." Truthfully, I am the one that received the greater gift that day.

-  Anonymous

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Lovely Videos

Here are some great readings from Virginia Pearce's book, A heart like his. This is where we got the inspiration for our experiment, listen and enjoy these beautiful words.

Welcome Sisters!

Welcome sisters to the new Palmhurst Relief Society blog! Here we will be sharing experiences and news of our Heart to Heart Experiment. Our goal is to help our sisters and draw closer to the Savior. You can send your own Heart to Heart expereinces to our email at, and we'll include it in our posts to inspire others to participate in our experiment. If you have not yet read A Heart Like His By Virginia Pearce please let someone in the Relief Soceity presidency know, and they will make sure you get a copy to read, so you know where we got our inspiration for the Heart to Heart experiment to improve our relationships within the ward, and our relationship with Christ.

"I have been where the Church is small and where it is large in numbers, where it is new and where it is well established, but the responsibility of each of us is the same: we are part of the true, restored gospel of Jesus Christ. We have a work to do. We serve in simple ways, our testimonies grow, and we are part of this day of miracles." - Julie B. Beck Relief society General President